Our Work

The CICT has since 1989 made Capital Contributions totaling in excess of €3 Million towards the following projects:

The Kidney Transplant Foundation
The Drug Treatment and Research Centre at Pearse Street, Dublin.
Equipment and Fit-out of various Clinical Departments in Beaumont Hospital.
CICT Molecular Medicine Laboratory at Beaumont Hospital
RCSI CRC/Smurfit Building at Beaumont Hospital

Similarly, the CICT has maintained its tradition of providing direct financial assistance towards the poor and needy of Dublin City centre. Over time, it has managed to route in excess of €3 Million to a variety of approved Charities which required urgent assistance from time to time. These have included:

Capuchin Day Centre (Brother Kevin’s Kitchen)
Carmelite Sisters Stillorgan
Coolmine Mother & Child
Dublin Simon Community
Focus Ireland
International Federation of Surgical Colleges
Mater Dei Institute – Team Counselling
Merchants Quay Ireland
Mercy Law
Palestrina Choir
The Red Door School
Ruhama Women
St. James’s Camino Rehabilitation Center
St Vincent de Paul
The Women’s Therapy Centre
The Salvation Army
Tiglinn Service for the Homeless

Medical Grants and Bursaries to a value in excess of €4 million were made to Beaumont Hospital/RCSI during the  period 1989 to 2021.

In summary, since 1989 the CICT has disbursed in excess of €10 million to Charities, Research, and various Capital Projects.