
R.C.S.I Disease Research Center Beaumont

Clinical Medicine Centre at Beaumont Hospital

The Charitable Infirmary Charitable Trust (CICT) is the oldest, continuous, active charity in Ireland. The Charitable Infirmary was established in 1718, and was the first voluntary hospital in Britain and Ireland. Thankfully, living conditions and health care systems in Ireland have transformed since the early 18th century. The work of the Trust has simultaneously evolved with the changing times.

The Seal of the charity shows the Good Samaritan and the motto “Miseris Succurrere” comes from Virgil’s “Miseris Succurrere Disco,” meaning “I learn to help those in need.”

Today the CICT provides

  • Annual Bursaries to support Medical Research at Beaumont Hospital/Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
  • Funding  to assist the needy in Dublin City through Approved Charities
  • Significant Capital Contributions to worthy causes

In so doing, the CICT continues to fulfil the spirit and tradition of its founders.